I know you all are busy with Inktober prompts, but I really want a nice drawing of a vampire face (Bela Lugosi Dracula-esque) from a head-on angle so I can use it to cover the logo on the back of my computer. I'll print it out & tape it there.
I'll pay the artist of my favorite drawing $3 via Venmo or PayPal.
✣ Keep it just the head. Think of it like you're making a Halloween mask to be cut-out and worn over your face, but you don't need to cut eye-holes.
✣ I'm thinking a classic Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee Dracula, but you ain't disqualified if you stray from that and just go with "vampire."
✣ Either B&W or color is fine. (If B&W, I might color it myself with pencil colors later.)
✣ Dimensions of at least 1500px height would be preferred.
✣ Post your scans or digital drawings in this thread.
Contest ends at midnight (ET) on Monday (Oct 15). Good luck!